Creating a new Frame

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To create a new frame follow the steps below.


Click on the in the top left of the screen Select Maintain > Spectacles > Frames to open the frame maintenance screen. Select Manufacturer from the drop down list. Enter a Style - this is the ‘name’ of the frame. Enter a Supplier code – this is the manufacturers’ catalogue code or other suitable reference. If no code is entered one will be generated by the Optisoft software. Select the Frame Type from the dropdown box. Select a Cash Category from the dropdown box. Enter the Number of Working Days – this is the number of days the frame takes to arrive from the supplier if you do not keep it in stock. Enter a Wholesale Price. Enter a Retail Price. Enter a Frame Colour. Enter a Colour Code – this is a short reference number. Save the Colour to the frame by clicking on the , this will add it to the list below. Repeat until all colours for the frame have been added. Enter the available SBL measurements, save this to the frame with the to add it to the list. Again, repeat until all available SBL’s have been added. Enter any notes in the box provided. These notes are only visible on this screen. Click the button on the top toolbar to complete the frame and save it to the database. You can enter a new frame by clicking on the button on the top toolbar.