Spectacle Dispensing - Using Order Tracking

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Order Tracking allows you to manually pursue the status of your orders.

First click on the Order Tracking button in the toolbar. You can find this either in the patients module, or on the Spectacle Dispensing's History Tab.


Here you can move your orders through a list of pre set status's, although custom status's can be added to the list if necessary.

To change the status of an order, simply right click on it, then choose the next status in the list. You can continue doing this until the order reaches Collected.

When the order has been updated to Collected, it will be removed from main list in Order Tracking. You can see collected orders back on the patient record screen.

Other features of Order Tracking are listed below:

  • Print/Print Preview - This allows you to print your order, onto a customisable Microsoft Word Template.
  • Due Date - Allows you to add a Due Date to your order. This date will be presented in red text once the order becomes overdue.
  • Trace Frame - For the purposes of electronic ordering. Allows the user to add a frame trace to the order.
  • Add/Change/Remove Tray - Adds, changes or removes a customised tray number to the order.
  • Tracking Notes - Allows notes to be added to each order.
  • Return to Manufacturer - Once the order has been updated to Delivered, the user can change the status of the order to Return to Manufacturer, should there be an issue with the order. This will change to Back from Manufacturer once selected, so the user can update the order once it has been returned to the practice. Updates will automatically be added to Tracking Notes as part of this feature.
